
The Original Brown Cigar Case Exterior


Authenticity matters: Embrace the Irreplaceable Original


Introducing Our Exclusive Cigar Carry Cases Collection: Unmatched Quality, Handcrafted in North America

Since 2014, Peter James has been at the forefront of innovation in the cigar industry. We are proud to have introduced the industry's first commercial cigar carry case, revolutionizing the way cigar enthusiasts transport and protect their prized cigars. With our unwavering commitment to quality, functionality, and durability, we present our exclusive Cigar Carry Cases Collection, a testament to our dedication to excellence.

Handcrafted Excellence, Made in North America
At Peter James, we believe in the art of handcraftsmanship. Each and every one of our cigar carry cases is meticulously handmade in North America, where our skilled artisans pour their passion and expertise into every detail. From the selection of premium materials to the precision stitching and finishing touches, we ensure that each case is a work of art, reflecting our unwavering commitment to quality.

Unmatched Quality 
Quality is at the core of everything we do. We source only the finest materials, including top-grade leathers and durable hardware, to create cigar carry cases that stand the test of time. Our rigorous quality control process guarantees that every case meets our stringent standards, ensuring that your cigars are protected in the most secure and luxurious manner possible.

Unparalleled Functionality
We understand the importance of functionality when it comes to cigar carry cases. Our collection features thoughtfully designed compartments and pockets to accommodate different cigar sizes and accessories. From adjustable dividers to integrated humidification systems, our cases are tailored to meet the diverse needs of cigar enthusiasts, providing convenient and practical storage solutions.

Built to Last
Durability is a key initiative at Peter James. We believe that a cigar carry case should be a long-term investment, accompanying you on countless adventures. That's why we go above and beyond to ensure that our cases are built to withstand the rigors of travel and everyday use. From reinforced corners to robust closures, our attention to detail guarantees that your cigars remain safe and protected, no matter where your journey takes you.

Choose Excellence, Choose Peter James
When it comes to cigar carry cases, accept nothing less than the best. Our exclusive Cigar Carry Cases Collection represents the culmination of years of expertise, innovation, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. Elevate your cigar experience with our handcrafted cases, proudly made in North America, and experience the perfect combination of quality, functionality, and durability.

Invest in the finest cigar carry cases available. Choose Peter James and embark on a journey of unparalleled luxury and sophistication.

The Original Collection
The Original Collection
The Original Collection
The Original Collection
$395.00 USD $595.00 USD
The Original Collection
$395.00 USD $595.00 USD
The Original Collection
$395.00 USD $595.00 USD